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Dr. Aireale J. Rodgers is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Drawing on frameworks from critical race studies and the learning sciences, Dr. Rodgers’ scholarship seeks to illuminate how people’s everyday (mis)understandings about race and racism shape learning across various higher education ecologies. Currently, she uses qualitative techniques to study faculty development programs, graduate student socialization processes, and classroom teaching and learning to better understand how educators can facilitate learning that advances critical race consciousness for faculty and students in postsecondary institutions.
Her commitment to building just systems of graduate education began when she worked as an administrator and student affairs professional in graduate student housing and the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at her alma mater.
- PhD Urban Education Policy (Higher Education Concentration), University of Southern California, 2022
- MA Learning Sciences, Northwestern University, 2018
- BS Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, 2010
Select Publications
- Liera, R., Rodgers, A. J., Posselt, J. R., & Irwin, L. N. (In Press). Rethinking doctoral qualifying exams and candidacy in the physical sciences: Learning toward scientific legitimacy. Physical Review Physical Education Research Online Publication/Abstract.
- Rodgers, A. J., & Liera, R. (2023). When Race Becomes Capital: Diversity, Faculty Hiring, and the Entrenchment of Racial Capitalism in Higher Education. Educational Researcher Online Publication/Abstract.
- Rodgers, A. J., Senyonga, M., & Toutant, S. M. (2023). Writing ourselves into a just future: Using visionary fiction towards a praxis of Black feminisms in higher education. In L. Baber & H. McCambly (Eds.), Critiques for Transformation: Reimagining Colleges & Communities for Social Justice Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Online Publication/Abstract.
- Rodgers, A. J. (2022). Embedding Equity in the Design and Implementation of Digital Courseware. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 54(4), 18-22.
Select Presentations
- Rodgers, A. J. (2023). Towards a Learning Sciences of Higher Ed: Engaging the Pedagogical Possibilities of Postsecondary Education (forthcoming). Lecture The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2023, Montreal, Canada: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Rodgers, A. J., McCambly, H. N., & Villanosa, K. (2023, April). Toward a Theory of Equity-Minded Organizational Learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association National Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Kakooza, M., & Rodgers, A. J. (2022, November). Unweaving the threads of narrative self-construction in Black women and femme’s personal statements. Lecture Association for the Study of Higher Education National Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Rodgers, A. J. (2022, April). "Vygotsky must be racialized": Conceptualizing a racialized Cultural Historical Activity Theory. Roundtable presented at the American Educational Research Association National Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Gonzales, L., McCambly, H., Rodgers, A. J., Poon, O., Ray, V., & Southern, D. (2021, November). Charting new intergenerational pathways for critical theorizing in higher education. Interactive symposium presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education National Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico Conference.
Select Awards and Honors
- Outstanding Paper Award, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023
- Honorary Inductee, Edward A. Bouchet Society, Northwestern University, 2022
- University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Southern California, Office of the Provost, 2022
- K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award, Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2021